Individual Known Shipper Approval Process

A Known Shipper is an individual or entity who may transport their goods on passenger aircraft. As the only passenger airline in the U.S. with dedicated cargo planes, shipping goods with us means that every customer must be a Known Shipper in compliance with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requirements.

Who can ship without becoming a Known Shipper?

Known Shipper status is not required if your shipment meets any of these exceptions:

  • Your shipment is moving entirely within the state of Alaska
  • Your shipment’s total weight is under 16 oz.
  • Your shipment may be moved entirely on freighter flights (learn about our freighter network here)
  • You are shipping a live animal using our Pet Connect service

Ready to start shipping as an Individual Known Shipper?  We've outlined how to apply and what to expect as we process your application below.

Submit your application online

Alaska Air Cargo's Known Shipper program allows shippers to transport their own goods on Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air.  We recommend this program if you are planning to ship frequently and do not wish to utilize any Known Shipper exceptions. Please note that a physical site verification by our authorized representative is required to apply for and maintain your Individual Known Shipper status (fees apply).  Use the web application below to start your request.

Return Known Shipper documents

Complete the Individual Known Shipper contract and upload proof of physical address documents.

  • Your web application will ultimately serve as your Known Shipper contract. Once complete, please print, sign and return to us by uploading your documents to our website with an original signature. Incomplete documentation will result in denial of Individual Known Shipper status until all documents are received and in good order. 
  • Once all required documents are received, a minimum seven (7)-day hold period will apply while your application is being processed. 
  • Proof of physical address documentation is required. Please ensure your documents meet the following requirements:
    • Your proof of address document may be a monthly recurring bill, such as a utility bill or a mortgage statement.
    • Your document must contain the name and address EXACTLY as provided in your application. 
    • Documents such as medical bills, solicitations or credit card applications may not suffice as proof of physical address.

Complete a physical site verification visit

An in-person site visit at the physical address provided on the application is required. Site visits are performed by an authorized representative (fees apply) and must be completed annually.  Should you decide not to renew, your Known status as an Individual will automatically expire and no further action is needed. 

  • To avoid shipping interruptions, please schedule and complete your site visit prior to your Individual (AS Known) Shipper status expiration date. Your Individual Known Shipper Status expires one year from the approval date and annual renewal is required. Please keep your expiration date for your records, as Alaska Air Cargo is not responsible for any lapse in Known Shipper status or reminders prior to expiration. 

Are you a business owner or an IAC/CCSF certificate holder?  Please refer to the Business Known Shipper requirements. 

Approval Status | Individual (AS) Known

Your application has been processed, all requirements are met, and you are now an Individual (AS Known) Shipper.  What's next?

  • You will be provided a unique Customer Identification Number (CID), and you will have an Alaska Air Cargo shipping account.
  • You may start shipping as soon as your updated status is reflected in our system (typically 1-2 hours after confirmation).
  • As an Individual Known Shipper, annual renewal of your status is required, including a physical site visit (fees apply). If, at any time, your account information needs to be updated (such as a physical address change), a new application and site verification is required.  
  • Ready to get started? Create an online booking account where you can manage all of shipments in one place, get estimates and create templates for regular shipments to save time.