Use our new rate calculator to create an estimate: Select your shipment options in the calculator to generate your customized shipment price.
To use the rate charts, first identify the city and zone you're shipping to and from using our zone map (PDF). Then select the rate sheet for the product or commodity you're shipping.
GoldStreak® Package Express Rates (PDF)
Use for documents, letters, small packages or items up to 150 pounds per piece.
Priority Air Freight Rates (PDF)
Use for all shipments not listed below.
General Air Freight Rates (PDF)
Use for all shipments not listed below.
Pet Connectâ„¢ Animal Travel (PDF)
Use for live animal transport.
Priority Perishable Express Rates (PDF)
Use for Priority service for: tropical fish and/or aquatic plants (SCR 0113); fishing bait (SCR 0316) and foodstuffs, including dairy products, meats, poultry, fruits and vegetables (SCR 2199); cut flowers (SCR 0666).
Seafood Rates (PDF)
Use for seafood (SCR 0300) shipments.
Shellfish Rates (PDF)
Use for clams, oysters, scallops and mussels (SCR 0310) shipments. Excludes geoduck. General seafood is not applicable.
Human Remains Rates (PDF)
Use for human remains and cremated remains (SCR 0091) shipments.
Specific Commodity Rates (PDF)
Use for general service on commodities, including: tropical fish and/or aquatic plants (SCR 0113); fishing bait (SCR 0316); cut flowers, nursery stock, and growing plants (SCR 0666); foodstuffs, including dairy products, meats, poultry, fruits and vegetables (SCR 2199), newspapers, magazines, periodicals and parts thereof, N.E.S. (SCR 4903); and alcoholic beverages (SCR 2300).
Dangerous Goods
Base fee of $95
Each additional UN number or DGD $15
Security Screening Fee
$0.05 per lb. $12.50 minimum*
*Security and screening fees will be charged on the chargeable weight of a shipment and are subject to taxation. CCSF shippers are exempt from screening charges.